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Board of Deacons Picture Coming Soon

Current Members Of The Board Deacons
& Their Assignments

Denis Chawchang (Chair of the Deacon Board),  Cassandra Azue (Counters)

Eric Chi & Denis Chawchang ( Building & Grounds),

 Vivian Mbah (Budget & Audits),
Walters Musi (Secretary of Board of Deacons),

Ophilia Samba (Supply Purchaser),
Jacqueline Tekwe (Cleaning)

The Board of Deacons Ministry


Demonstrating The Word to those in need in the Mt Paran family

Chair: Deacon Denis Chawchang     


Secretary:  Deacon Walters Musi


  • Oversee and distribute The Deacon’s Fund

  • Oversee and distribute The Immigration Ministry Fund

  • Provide assistance to the elderly / shut-ins

  • Provide meals to families / individuals during illness and family deaths

  • Oversee the collection and distribution of Thanksgiving & Christmas Baskets to needy families / individuals in the church and community

  • Procure and oversee the Greeters

  • Prepare the proposed annual budget and quarterly budget reconciliation reports

  • Provide for an annual audit of the financial records

  • Procure and oversee the Counters

  • Procure and oversee the people cleaning the church

  • Management of the church building & grounds

  • Management of the Rental Properties

  • Management of the Church Cemetery

"...whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1st Corinthians 10:31

This website dedicated to the Glory of God by the people of

Mt Paran Presbyterian Church Randallstown, MD USA. 

This website is a ministry of 

the Session, Elders Gladys Fai and Henry Tanwani Co-Clerks &

the Evangelism Ministry, Elder Dickson Esakenong, Chair 

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