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Prayer Group

Below are standing scheduled events and meetings at Mt Paran:


11am Worship Celebration

    Communion: 1st Sunday Each Month

    Baptisms:  As scheduled with the Pastor

    Ministry Meetings 2nd Sun.

Bible Discussion and Classes all ages each Sunday 9:45am

Children's Church - All Sundays except 1st Sundays.  

(September  - May)


6:00p Kid's Choir Rehearsal

7:15p Smore's


7:15p Adult Bible Study

7:00p Adult Choir Rehearsal

Fourth Fridays - Family Movie Night 7pm

Year Round: 
CMF (Christian Men Fellowship) meets each Saturday at 3pm.  See Elders Henry Tanwani or Charles Tangwan for more information.
September  - May:
Last Saturday of each month:
 Youth gather for fellowship and fun.  Times Vary.  Please check Youth Page or see Elder Beatrice for details.

Regular Church Meetings

Session - 3rd Sundays after worship (Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept, Nov)

              Session meets for prayer at 10:45 each Sunday

              Please see Co-Clerks H Tanwani and G Abeh

Ministry Meetings - 2nd Sundays at close of worship and
               otherwise as scheduled

Youth Groups -

(1st - 5th Grade) / (6th -8th Grade)  

          Last Saturday of the Month 10am - See Elder Beatrice Akum
High School Youth (9th - 12th Grade) meet Fridays 7pm during Smores    




Need space for your community organization meetings, family gathering, reunion, or event?  Call 410-655-6220.

"...whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1st Corinthians 10:31

This website dedicated to the Glory of God by the people of

Mt Paran Presbyterian Church Randallstown, MD USA. 

This website is a ministry of 

the Session, Elders Gladys Fai and Henry Tanwani Co-Clerks &

the Evangelism Ministry, Elder Dickson Esakenong, Chair 

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