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Choir Rehearsals
Choirs Rehearsals: 
Friday 6pm Youth Choir
Friday 6pm Kids Choir (in class)

Friday 7pm Adult Choir 
Saturday 3pm CMF 
Sunday after worship CWF
Want to offer your musical gift for the Lord's worship?  Please see Elder Akwa Angwafo 
Elder Akwa Angwafo, Chair

Worship Ministry


Proclamation of The Word and the celebration of the sacraments


Elder Akwa Angwafo


  • Provide for the corporate worship in accordance with the Book of Order

  • Plan the worship calendar

  • Plan special worship services (Christmas season, Easter season)

  • Oversee the Nursery and procure Nursery workers

  • Provide Bibles, hymn books, bulletins, flowers, etc for worship services

  • Procure and oversee the Lay Readers & Ushers

  • Oversee the choirs and liturgical dancers

  • Plan at least one Special worship activity each quarter

"...whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1st Corinthians 10:31

This website dedicated to the Glory of God by the people of

Mt Paran Presbyterian Church Randallstown, MD USA. 

This website is a ministry of 

the Session, Elders Gladys Fai and Henry Tanwani Co-Clerks &

the Evangelism Ministry, Elder Dickson Esakenong, Chair 

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